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What to Expect on Sundays

You Belong. Join Us.

Whether we are worshipping inside, outside, or virtually, you can expect a warm greeting and expressions of extraordinary hospitality. Our high holy days include Pentecost, the four Sundays of Advent, Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, and Easter. For each of these worshipful experiences, our music programs offer hymns and songs relevant to each season. The Chancel Choir is open and affirming and everyone is welcome to join. Worship with us in your most comfortable attire.

Holy Communion & Baptism 

Our Communion table is open to all people, all children, and anyone who wishes to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God’s people.  Once a month, typically on the first Sunday of the month, we share a simple meal served in the pews, in the round, or by intinction.   We offer gluten-free bread and grape juice. If you are joining our web-streamed Communion services, we encourage you to prepare your own Communion elements in your home. 

Baptisms are equally open to all people and are offered by request. All ages are welcome to be baptized.

Child Care

We offer a nursery with 2 staff members for children through age 3.  Infants and children are always welcome to remain in the Sanctuary during the service.  

Spiritual Art

 Our kids will hear a bible message and then are welcome to go to the spiritual art space to experience the Holy Spirit through art and science projects. 


Our two music programs, Wee Singers designed for kids 3 to 8 and Junior Jammers for 8+ meet after church each Sunday. Kids provide music for our worship services on a regular basis.


Brookside Congregational Church
An Open & Affirming Congregation

2013 Elm Street

Manchester, NH 03104 USA

(603) 669-2807

10:00 AM: Sunday Morning Worship

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