Celebrate the Season with Brookside
Holy Week at Brookside Church
Everyone is invited and welcome to celebrate Easter with Brookside Church. Join our in-person or virtual services to help us reflect and focus on Jesus before celebrating His resurrection on Easter Sunday!
April 13: Palm Sunday
10 a.m. Palm Sunday begins with joy, laughter, a little chaos, and palms that will be scattered around the sanctuary. We will re-enact the Jerusalem entrance around Jesus who rides on a donkey. Children will join us as we boldly sing Hosannahs and parade around the church, following Jesus into Jerusalem.
April 17: Maundy Thursday
7:00 p.m. Take in the moving Tenebrae Service on Maundy Thursday. The sanctuary will open at 6:45 pm for silent mediation and private prayer. The Tenebrae service will begin at 7:00 p.m. with Holy Communion and an original drama written by Rev. Laura Biddle titled “Following Jesus in the Shadows.” The evening will end in silence.
April 20: Easter Sunday
10 a.m.
Easter begins in the garden at the empty tomb. This year The Nottingham Brass will again join Brookside’s musicians in leading Easter music and hymns. The congregation with join together in the ritual of decorating the empty cross with colorful flowers. An Easter Egg Hunt will follow for children fourth grade and under.
All services will be live-streaming on the church's Facebook page and also accessible on the church website: https://www.brooksidecc.org/worship
Easter Egg Hunt
Following the service, an Easter Egg Hunt for children will be held in the churchyard for children 4th grade and under. Please bring your own basket.